Storyline “Rayzar's rage”

06.02.2022 17:30 / comments: 1 / view: 717 /

1. Shipmaster:
The cries of seagulls means that the coast is not far away… But these waters are not safe. Only those who have sold their souls to Davy Jones are able to pass the Siren Reef without “adventures” Unfortunately, this is the only way to reach the island…
Enough idle talk! My Scarlet will soon rust from all this time at sea. Hey, you sea creatures!!! Stop hiding!!! Get your gills up on deck, and we’ll talk!
The gray-haired captain and most of the ship's crew immediately began to scramble down the hold, slamming the hatch cover shut behind them. Meanwhile, ominous silhouettes flashed under the surface of the water…

2. Rayzar:
That's it! I was beginning to think this was going to be my most boring sea adventure ever. Who's up next?! Hmm, ladies with such sweet voices joining the party? I once knew a sweet-voiced girl called Vicky. All the men were all over her. Yes, and the girls too for that matter! And that’s just only for the little ones.

3. Rayzar:
I hope I didn’t kill anyone in a fit of battle rage? I don't want to have to explain to Grammith later how it happened… And these fish, I see, are learning their lessons the hard way. Can’t they get enough? Although this shark is probably my size. It’s head will make me a nice trophy!

4. At last the sounds of the battle on the surface subsided. Waiting a little longer, the shipmaster cautiously lifted the hatch cover, glancing over the deck littered with the bodies of dead sea creatures, when suddenly the severed head of a slain monster landed in front of his nose on the bloody planks.
«A small present, - Rayzar said with a satisfied grin, - You can hang it up in your quarters as a memento! And now let's get ashore before my muscles get cold. Something tells me that the landing is unlikely to pass without incident…»

5. The barbarian's fears were confirmed, but he wasn’t at all upset about it.. It seems that Rayzar didn't just live the battle - he breathed it! And all these countless scars that covered his entire body only served as more proof of this. It was as if he had been born with a sword in his hand - and would surely die with it in his hand. But definitely not here! Fragments of shells did not stop flying in different directions from each stroke of the massive blade - and not a single, even the most durable shell on this shore, would be able to withstand its blow.

6. Oh, those sea mollusks - It's hard to tell where their heads are and what can be chopped off as a trophy. And to hell with them - the seagulls will have more food. In the meantime it's time to briefly outline the essence of the task.
Warmed up greatly! Now listen carefully. Our first target is a cowardly scoundrel nicknamed Lumpen. An inveterate gambler who does not have a penny for his name. But it can bite when surrounded by a company of strong guys. He's probably in the local tavern somewhere. When we find him, don't be the first to get into a fight. I need to talk to him first, and then it's up to you. But don’t get too comfortable- the locals are unlikely to be full of hospitality. Those over there are already given a dark look. I'm going to ask for directions. Don't hide your weapons…

7. Having dealt with the rabble darting through the woods, the group set out to the sounds of civilization coming from afar. If that word could even be applied to this local hole at all. Continuous pirates and bandits, ready at any moment to stick a knife in the back. Rayzar headed to the tavern, asking the imperials to wait outside. A minute later, the cheerful music coming from inside suddenly died down, replaced by the sounds of breaking glass and breaking furniture. A moment later, a corsair dressed only in tattered trousers flew out of the window. « Get off me madman!» - he shouted, looking in horror at Rayzar who appeared in the doorway, and immediately rushed away along the street filled with locals. The barbarian was about to follow him, but a disgruntled woman pirate blocked his path: « Not so fast, handsome! Who will pay for all this?»

8. «Hey folks! He was asking about Lewie!» - Suddenly, Lumpen began to shout, hiding behind the guards of the camp that had been built right in the middle f the settlement. « What do you want from Lewie?» - suddenly the voice of the commander appeared from the tent.
«From whom? - Rayzar asked in bewilderment as he stopped at the line of guards blocking his way, - I don't care about your Lewie! I need this bastard!» - The barbarian pointed his massive sword toward the distant corsair, holding his weapon with one hand as if it were some kind of light elven blade. « I don't hear respect in your voice! - the commander said again, after which he turned to his henchmen, - What about you guys?!»

9. "The slug seemed willing to do anything to save his own sorry skin, but despite all the tricks, he had nowhere else to go. Cornered on the outskirts of the pirate settlement, Lumpen enlisted the help of anyone foolish enough to fall for his bluff. In vain they dared to stand between the leader of the “Scarlet Blades” and his target!

10. «Okay, okay... I'll tell you everything! - yelled Lumpen, barely feeling the cold of the axe blade at his throat, - The Archeologist was saying something about treasure and a pirate burial ground. It's on the other side of the strait. Sieve wanted an order for the Grimwood monster - he's got to be hanging around there somewhere. Dapper and The Quiet One... They're in league with one of the local warlords who runs the land beyond the Vile Swamp. Look for them there. That's all, honest! Let go, brother! I didn't touch her! I swear it!»
I know. You wouldn't dare. But you didn't have the guts to stand up for her either! When she's done with your sorry orbs, say hello to her for me, will you?
ÍBefore Lumpen could say a word, the blade sank into his throat. The barbarian slowly drew a white rose flower from his bag and swept it across the bleeding wound, partially staining it scarlet. Then he hid it again and took one last disdainful look at the eliminated target. It was time to get out of here, but it’s unlikely that the locals will just watch…

11. That was some nice opposition! What a commotion. It was to be expected, though. For barbarians, it's about the same thing to talk as it is to slaughter half a village. Not that the locals didn't deserve it, though. At the end of the day, the task was done, and the necessary information was obtained. Let's rest for a while and figure out how to leave this island and cross the strait. If the coast is searched, surely there is a pirate ship somewhere to be found.

12. It turned out to be much easier to steal a pirate ship than to get to it through hordes of coastal creatures. These cowards fled the deck as soon as they saw a huge angry shell in the distance. And cutting the throats of the others wasn’t too difficult. - and soon the detachment was already halfway to the opposite coast. Suddenly, another black-flagged ship appeared on the horizon - and quickly overtook the hijackers.
Pirate captain:
Lewie! You are an old cuttlefish! Did you crawl out of your hole to pay off your debts?! Stop!.. Who else are you?! Ha, they stole the vessel of this bastard?! Not a bad boat! Perhaps it will pay off the debt! Aboard!!!

13. Fortunately it didn't last long. One impudent captain, clearly overestimating his own strength - and here is finally the long awaited shore, welcoming guests with the strong embrace of an even greater number of angry shells. To hell with them! Fire a volley of cannons at them!

14. After clearing the shore, the squad finally made it completely to land. However, just a short distance ahead, the sand beneath their feet began to move, as if it were coming to life. After giving the order to retreat, Rayzar began to back away cautiously, as he watched a giant thing with huge claws rise to the surface ahead of him. A grin of faint madness began to form on the barbarian’s face, and he squared his shoulders, clenched and his sword hilt tightly, anticipating the fight to come...

15. What a monster! A giant lobster shrimp! Tell someone, they'll think you’re crazy. And there was no way to get a trophy out of it as the stench would be overpowering. Only the pleasant memory of this glorious victory would be something to be content with. A good moral booster before the upcoming visit to the pirate cemetery…

16. Only crowds of aimlessly wandering lower level undead. Nothing serious, but no sign of the Archaeologist either. It’s necessary to keep searching. For a moment there was suddenly a strange noise. Rayzar became alert. It sounded like the clanking of chains, accompanied by a languid growl. And it was getting closer. That’s hardly a good sign…

17. «Who's making these noises here?» - suddenly there was a measured gloomy voice of a necromancer who appeared from the halls of the crypt - one of those who call the adherents of the Dead Armada.
Pirate necromancer:
Just more foolish mortals driven by their own greed? You're all the same breed. Let's see what there is to take from you. Come, my servants! Bring me their bodies! It's time to replenish my "treasury"…

18. «I'm afraid you can't afford this treasure!» - Rayzar said as he stabbed the necromancer with his sword. Suddenly, a familiar shrill voice rang out: «Well, well, well, the competition has arrived?» - âäàëè ïîêàçàëñÿ îáðàç ðàñõèòèòåëÿ ãðîáíèö â ñîïðîâîæäåíèè öåëîé ãðóïïû ïîäåëüíèêîâ. Âíåçàïíî ëèäåð îòðÿäà ãðàáèòåëåé ïðèãëÿäåëñÿ – è òîò÷àñ ïîìðà÷íåë.
It can't be! How are you?!. Listen, brother. I know you're pissed, but it was Dapper’s idea. I was just in a bad mood, and then it just sort of happened. But who am I talking to? You wouldn't understand. Look, let's just split up peacefully. We're outnumbered, but I'll let you just walk away.
What a generosity!
I wish I could offer you the same…

19. As soon as things got hot, the archaeologist tried to slip away unnoticed, but before he had even crawled a dozen steps, he felt Rayzar’s firm grip on his neck. Easily lifting the prowler in front of him, the barbarian snatched the pickaxe from him and nailed his shoulder against the nearest tombstone with all his might. « Stop! Let's talk!» - Through the pain the Archaeologist shouted through. «Let's, - the barbarian answered calmly, but a moment later grabbed his head and violently slammed it into the surface of the tombstone, - Oh, you know… it just sort of happened.» - He added ironically, and then he struck again, but harder, and then again, and again, until his bloody hand battered off a chunk of the stone slab. Only then did Rayzar's rage begin to subside-and he pulled out the white rose again, repeating his strange ritual. The second target was eliminated, and in the meantime, almost all the undead began to gather at the sound of the carnage's conclusion. Looks like it's not going to be a boring farewell to this place.

20. The pirate graveyard with its hordes of reanimated dead was left behind - and the imperial detachment suddenly found itself in the thicket of an ancient forest. It looked very unusual-majestic and gloomy. These must be the Grimwoods that Lumpen had mentioned. Look around and look for traces of Sieve, and at the same time find a place to camp so that a plan of action could be thought over in peace.

21. The animals are plentiful here - there's certainly no danger of starvation. He deftly carved a few hunted carcasses, made a fire, and began to cook. Contemplation of the burning flame helped to organize his thoughts, but the uneasy feeling that the shadows of the surrounding trees were getting darker with every moment, every now and then forced him to look around.

22. It was not for nothing that the sentinels got the fattest piece of meat. The mad druid's insidious plan had failed. And though he himself had retreated into the shadows of the trees, the sound of creeping creatures continued to echo from everywhere. Suddenly the eerie head of an enormous insect emerged from the dense thicket. And then its entire belly. A giant ant with a humanoid torso. Is this the Grimwood monster? Surely Sieve must be lurking somewhere nearby, waiting for a denouement. Well, there's only one way to get closer to meeting him. He's not likely to just watch someone else walk off with his prey.

23.With a broad swing of his sword, the beheaded carcass of the beast collapsed dead to the ground. The massive tendrils of the giant ant’s head were gripped off, lifting it above his head and shouting loudly into the thicket of forest.
Sieve! Where are you?! I know you’re watching!
Isn’t that why you came here?!

And here I kept wondering if it’s you! You can’t even recognize your own mother in this half-light. You’re stealing my order? That’s not very brotherly!
And what you did was brotherly?!
Ah, is that why you’re here?! I figured… Look, I'm just a hunter. She shouldn’t have come between me and my prey. I didn't even take her head, though. I wanted to but The Quiet One stopped me. But since it’s the way it is, I think I’ll take yours now. Bring down the beasts boys!

24. Sieve:
That’s a shame. I really thought it was the perfect trap… Do you think I would beg for mercy? Hunters don’t beg for their prey!
«No, - Rayzar answered, grabbing his defeated foe and pulling him to look into his eyes, - But in remembrance of the past, just as a brother, i will give you one last lesson in hunting. I learned it from the natives of the southern swamps. We won’t be needing any of that, - he dumped Sieve’s hunting gear on the ground, then pulled out one of his throwing axes, - Lets cut here, and here, and here, and here… - the barbarian leisurely made several bleeding cuts on various parts of the poachers body, and then pushed him forward, - Run. Let's see what kind of beast you can bait. I said RUN!» -Rayzar suddenly barked, kicking the distraught Sieve with his foot, setting him on a long awaited march towards the forest wilds.

25. Gnolls! Who else could have been lured by that scoundrel’s vile guts? Though you’ve got to hand it to him, he managed to run far enough before he perished. The stinking swamp was just the place for him to take his final breath. Leaning over Sieve’s tattered remains, Rayzar touched them with a rose that had almost completely changed color, then stared sharply into the distance, where the silhouettes of the villagers flickered again. Those silly creatures seem to think they’re the hunters here. It’s time to disappoint them a little…

26. The gnoll elder fled with his tail between his legs and ran deep into the swamps, where a mfew moss-covered huts could be seen. And the rest of the pack followed soon. All that was left was the huge leader and his large support group. Looks like it’s going to be a worthy opponent!

27. Amazingly even the savage swamp beastman died with more honor than many who had previously fallen to Rayzar's blade. After paying his respects to his vanquished foe, the barbarian, accompanied by his imperial detachment, moved on, bypassing the swamp village. The last two targets had to be sought somewhere beyond these swamps, and to do so, one would first have to find some sign of civilization, where not only the forest beasts alone dwell…

28. Wild beasts, forest spirits, predatory plants, there are a lot of them in these parts, and they are very aggressive. Maybe that strange and unpleasant sound in the distance has that effect on them? Let's go there, loud noise is the best bait for The Quiet One. But first, the animals. How many of them there are…

29. It doesn’t seem to be about that annoying noise at all. That’s who was behind it all! Was the mad druid back for more? Or was it his equally evil twin? These mad lunatics all look alike. And who is that unknown creature clawing at him? Another local monster? What a bogeyman! Its fangs… they seem to stick out from everywhere. Of all those present, perhaps Rayzar was the only one who wanted to face this monster in battle as quickly as possible.

30. Not a monster, but a trophy trove. If you cut off all its fangs and bony appendages all over its body, there would be enough for a whole warband. Not much left over, either. A nice gift from the keeper of the forest. Pity he was so quick to flee, he could have taken something of his vile pet. But he’s gone all right. Fortunately the beast no longer bothered the imperials and they quietly moved on toward the source of the noise. Soon the forest thickness began to thin, and the air began to fill with suffocating smells. Suddenly the silhouettes of steel structures flashed between the trees…

31. The mechanics’ samwill and their clear-cut forests are a familiar sight. Their tentacles of steel have reached these parts as well. Rayzar, however, seemed surprised to encounter this enemy. It was as if nothing like it had ever been fought before. Except for the clumsy golems. Taking a secure position at the edge of the forest and the clearing area, the barbarian began to watch the countless mechanical beings swarming ahead incessantly. It was necessary to understand the logic of their behavior and choose the perfect moment to strike.

32. What kind of cowards would think of creating something like this? Except, of course, mages. Fighting with the help of combat mechanisms, while remaining somewhere on the sidelines, is a lot for the faint of heart. There is no glory or honor in that! Though in some ways it even resembles necromancy, which is by no means a compliment. A sense of utter incomprehension lingered in Rayzar’s mind. It was as if he were fighting not with an enemy, but only with a weapon in his hands. It was wrong. After Indifferently smashing another tin can, he glanced around the surroundings looking for the most menacing looking of the mechanical creatures - and resolutely headed towards him…

33. No pleasure in winning. Just another broken tool. And with each one that followed, the barbarian only wanted to put his sword in their master more and more. Not to these hard workers who maintain their service - they are just pawns. But to the cowardly constructor, who probably manages all of them from a secluded place. Maybe if more of his toys and all those mechanical assemblers were broken, he would finally risk showing himself?

34. The rumble of steel structures flying to pieces did not stop. But the main manipulator was in no hurry to show his face. Does he even exist at all? Or had all this madness gone so far that behind some mechanisms there are others - more advanced? The thought was slightly frightening, which was not at all characteristic of Rayzar. Suddenly, the sounds of another battle were heard in the distance. This aroused a sense of interest in the barbarian, but the path was still blocked by an unmeasured number of mechanical creatures gathered near another assembly complex.

35. And here is the main leader. Strangely, he seems to be a tough guy, even though his weapon looks rather strange. But certainly not like any flimsy magicians or necromancers. Why would he need all these mechanical war toys? In any case, it looks like the ranks of his steel guards have already been slightly shaking. It's time to finish what is started!

36. That mad dwarf died in silence. Perhaps it's for the best. It is unlikely that he would have said anything intelligible in his defense.
Meanwhile, the attention of the barbarian was attracted by the body of some thug lying on the edge of the clearing. Looks like the bounty hunter recognized him. A half-drunk bottle of rum lay on the ground beside him, and on the knuckles of the dead man's massive fist, between the bloodstains, the word "quiet" was printed, which removed all unnecessary questions. It seems that this was The Quiet One.
I always knew he would end up like this. When he got drunk in a tavern, even the bards tried to sing in a low voice. But it was one thing to beat the faces of noisy drunks, and quite another to go alone against an army of soulless steel machines.
The barbarian leaned over the dead body and ran a rose across the fresh open wound on his chest. Then he looked up and saw distinct footprints going into the distance. Surely they will lead to the robbers, with whom the last target on the "bloody" list was hanging around.

37. The group had barely crossed the line of the forest, before they immediately fell into an ambush of a gang of thieves. What a miscalculation… Though, after all those tins, Rayzar had finally had his fill of fighting a familiar foe, one that was capable of feeling emotion, adrenaline and fear. How he missed it all. In a fit of fighting excitement, the barbarian was ready to challenge any scoundrel that caught his eye, or even two - the more the better!

38. That's better! Good old robbers. The irresistible thirst for a good fight was temporarily quenched, and in the meantime, the outlines of a village appeared ahead. But the stench of the rabble could be heard even from here. It’s best to try and find out a little about Dapper, but no one seems to hold out much hope that it would go without ‘adventures”. And they began on the approach of the settlement itself.
Robber’s Commander:
Stop! Where are you going?! There’s a toll.
What if I have business with your chief?
Robber’s Commander:
Another dapper showed up? You know?.. We don't take kindly to your types around here. Pay double the price or get lost!
The extortionist's face drew a contented crooked grin - and the barbarian grinned in response, but a moment later erased the vile expression of the robber's face with a quick and strong blow.

39. Leaving the bodies of the defeated extortionists lying in an open field, the squad moved on, soon dissecting the streets of the outskirts of the settlement.
So here's the plan: blend in with the crowd, and then listen and ask around. The locals must know something about Dapper.
Suddenly the barbarian felt a nudge in his shoulder from a passing local thug.
Watch where you're going, idiot!
««Problems?!»» - The barbarian snapped back, reaching for his sword as he suddenly sensed danger approaching-and turned sharply to block the scythe of the ambusher who had appeared out of nowhere. With a menacing hiss in Rayzar's face, the lizard reared back, and several locals emerged from the alleys with weapons in their hands.

40. ««Forget the plan! - the barbarian said in an irritated voice, - They don't work for anyone anyway. Go and make sure you get the information you need. Brute force is more convincing than any words! Let's go see what the local rabble knows».».

41. A few smashed faces and broken limbs, and they started singing like sweethearts. Dapper doesn't seem to be too well-liked here. Especially the common laborers of the knife and axe. He was employed by the local ataman as a sort of tax collector - and every local murderer was obliged to pay him a regular share of the proceeds. Rumor has it that the bastard is about to show up. Occupy a couple of towers on the outskirts - and give him a warm welcome. 42. The trap slammed shut, and the escorting party of Dapper were defeated. However, he himself, was in no hurry to share the fate of his henchmen, taking refuge in a remote hiding place.
Smart move, mate! I take it my party that went in search of The Quiet One can no longer be expected?!
And him neither!

You’re cruel! I recognize the good old Scarlet the Butcher! But if it's any consolation, he's the only one who cared about what happened! From one bottle to the next! But you probably want to know the reason why?! It wasn't so bad at first! Very good, in fact! But she was beginning to forget that we are bounty hunters, and not compassionate do-gooders, like those slobbers in red uniforms! What happened was only a matter of time! I just hastened the inevitable!.. Ha! Looks like you missed your chance! Here are the reinforcements! Bring me his head! And it's all right if she gets a little burnt…

43. The dirty bastard is getting away! It would be impossible if he got away! But how many thugs are willing to stand up to him… Hardly out of respect for this slug, but rather out of fear of their chieftain. No one should be spared - they don't deserve it!

44. The enemy armies are crushed, but they still bought him some time. Dapper's footprints lead to the robbers' camp - and they are probably ready for the arrival of guests by now. There’s no point in making them languish in anticipation!

45. The organized defense of the camp quickly turned into total chaos. Killing enemies one by one, Rayzar carefully looked around, but his main target was nowhere in sight.
Search every tent!
But remember - he's mine!

46. The camp's defenses were completely down, but Dapper was no longer there. The barbarian shouted furiously as he crushed the head of the first bandit he saw with his foot, but he quickly recovered his senses and stared off into the distance. Ahead, beyond the fields, were the towers of a grim castle. That was most likely where he had fled to. But neither the stone walls nor another pathetic bunch of suicides on their way would protect him from harsh retribution!

47. «How I hate all these miserable cowards!! - The barbarian snarled angrily, as he cut the fallen deserter in two, - Even tribal goblins run away only after a good beating. And these… - Rayzar spat contemptuously at the bleeding remains, then looked up, - Scattered across the field like frightened rabbits. Without a strong hand they are nothing but a bunch of wretches. Kill all those who were not smart enough to run without looking back!»

48. The hunt did not last long. But there were a couple of brave men in this disparate herd who managed to straighten out the rest. Well, it will be all the more interesting to overcome the last serious obstacle on the way to the castle!

49. These are the walls! Pretty formidable, but there are worse ones. It had been a long time since the Barbarian had had the chance to attack fortresses and castles. In recent years he mostly had to defend himself against the endless assaults of the tribal hordes. But old skills were not so easily forgotten. For a start it was necessary to build a siege weapon and clear the area from the spies flashing everywhere. And especially from their sneaky commander, whose mere sight aroused in Rayzar a feeling of contempt. If he’d had his way, he’d have surrounded himself with an army of scum like himself, traitors and fugitives.

50. Everything was ready for the siege to begin - and the order was about to be given. Suddenly the voice of the owner of the place rang out.
I take it you’ve already got to everyone else?! You have more brotherly blood on your hands than mine! And am I the bad guy here!? You know, this is all your fault! When you went off to your stupid war, you knew that it wouldn’t work, but you chose it anyway! Even though I could have led the brotherhood to true prosperity!
Would you make everyone run errands for the robber chieftains?!

This is only a temporary measure to rise! But it's not for you to judge me, Scarlet Butcher! You've done things way worse than me!
And one day I will answer for them, if I have to! But today I hold you accountable for yours! Come one! On the attack!

51. «This is all your fault! - shouted Dapper, stepping back, - She was killed by your short-sighted stupidity!» He drew his bowstring and fired an arrow at the swiftly approaching barbarian, but the barbarian confidently beat it back with one of his axes, then threw it at his target. Covered by a well-placed henchman, Dapper dropped his bow and drew his knife, bouncing sharply away from the swing of his two-handed sword and slashing the sharp blade across Razar's arm and back. Another bounce, but less successful, right under his massive elbow, which knocked the traitor to the ground. As the barbarian's shadow loomed over him, Dapper plunged his knife into his adversary's exposed thigh. But moments later he felt the crunch of snapping fingers. Raising his victim in front of him, clutching his clawed hand tightly, Raysar didn't hesitate to pierce it with his blade all the way to the guard. « This damned wretch got what she deserved!» - coughing up blood, Dapper said.
«Tell her to her face», - The barbarian responded by bringing his opponent to his knees, and with a blow of his foot he pushed him off the blade of his sword to the ground. Taking the knife out of his leg, Rayzar threw it on the dead body, and then pulled out a rose and ran it over the bloody blade. The deed was done, it was time to get out of here!

52. The way back was not close at all, and it was certainly not safe. Do not stop and continue on this way, it will only add to the barbarian's motivation to keep going.
What are you all sitting around for?! We've got another glorious battle ahead of us! Follow me! Otherwise, I'll be the only one having all the fun.

53-56. Rayzar:
What are you all sitting around for?! We've got another glorious battle ahead of us! Follow me! Otherwise, I'll be the only one having all the fun.

57. Rayzar:
Looks like they're running out of troops faster than they can replenish their ranks after all! Go ahead, it will be easier than taking candy from a child!
A succession of confident victories dulled the bounty hunter's vigilance a bit, and he headed toward the small group of robbers that had huddled near the lone tent without looking around. Not even aware of the threat that lurked in the shadows of the nearby thicket...

58. Overcome by unbearable pain, Rayzar slightly lifted himself up and pulled a massive arrow from his right side that had pierced through him with a scream. « It's all right… - he said, raising his legs with difficulty, - Just a scratch... Let's go!..» - he took a few unsteady steps, and the barbarian collapsed to the ground with a thunderous crash.
The wound was too severe. It wasn’t enough to fight with, it was dangerous to stand on your feet. And even magic light could not help it, barbarian nature rejected it too much. More traditional therapies were needed here. There seemed to be a healer on the ship. Get him there quickly, every minute counts!

59. Better not get into any big trouble with a badly wounded fighter. Move carefully, without attracting unnecessary attention,
«Go away... - Rayzar muttered as he regained his senses, - Leave me… I'll get out… I've had worse…» - His voice grew quieter with each word, until he was unconscious again.
In his condition, he was indeed a burden to the group, but the Imperial do not abandon their own! What would their leader say about that? How would he look into the eyes of the warlord? No! Do not let your leaders down, keep moving forward!

60. There seems to be something going on on the outskirts of the settlement. A crowd of locals has gathered around some kind of a cage. Caught another poor soul? Though as long as their attention was diverted, it is possible to sneak past unnoticed. But that doesn’t seem right... Not in a heroic way! Let’s help!

61. What a stroke of luck! The robbers had imprisoned an elvish healer. Nobility is sometimes rewarded, after all! As soon as the cage doors opened, the elf rushed to the wounded barbarian, without uttering a word. After giving a few instructions on where and how to lay him, she dug into her bag, taking out various herbs and several bottles of infusions. At some point, the girl suddenly looked up and said emphatically: « I need some plantain! Quickly find it!» Without asking too many questions, the imperials scrambled off in search of the plant. It took a while, but when they returned, the healer had already finished her work. She seemed to want to not be disturbed. With a pleasant smile, she took the found herbs and carefully folded them in her bag.
Elvish healer:
Your friend will make a speedy recovery. However, tell him not to catch arrows in his stomach again. This is dangerous to his health. And I have to leave because there are still far too many others in these woods who need my help.
In an instant, the elf was gone. But she did not lie. Rayzar soon felt much better. The pain still bothered him, but his thirst for battle was stronger!

62-70. Rayzar:
A good fight is the best medicine!
Follow me if you want to live forever!

71. Rayzar:
Tired? No wonder. These tin cans are worse than vampires, they'll suck you dry. Thankfully there's only a few of them left, and it's going to get funnier from here…

72-90. Rayzar:
A good fight is the best medicine!
Follow me if you want to live forever!

91. Rayzar:
One final push is all there is left. The locals certainly have not forgotten their grievances - and won’t be too happy to see us. But let's break through to the ship - and wave them goodbye. Prepare well if you decide not to chicken out!

92... Rayzar:
The ship isn't far behind.
Don't fall behind if you don't want to row home on a raft afterwards.


1 / 08.02.2022 16:27 / Arcanide [18] ?
Looks good and fun to read   !

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