Magic Guild level 5

21.05.2014 10:49 / comments: 3 / view: 2792 /

Author: Qwainos

During one of the interviews the Administration made it clear what kind of magic we can expect when Magic Guild level 5 appears. There are several spells already prepared for each kind of magic guild: Summon Phoenix, Earth Shock, Divine Retribution, Submission. In fact, they are ready for the implementation... The alternative class of Angels (Thrones) has been using Divine Retribution for some time, Summon Phoenix and Earth Shock have already been tested by our technical character (you can meet Phoenixes in HG and MG), hypnosis is used by Sirens. So why aren’t they still in use? According to the Administration, the question of the second spell for each magic guild (Holy, Darkness, Chaos and Nature magic) is still under consideration in order to make a complete Magic Guild level 5. What kind of spells will appear? How can the implementation of Magic Guild level 5 influence the general balance of our game? And how can we use the spells? I’ll give you answers one by one.)

Ready Spells:

Summon Phoenix

Summon Phoenix has been left partially the original formula in some characteristics. For example, speed = 7, initiative = 15 (+ skill level and parameters).

Defence and Attack of the summoned Phoenix = 10 + 2 * Character’s combat level + parameters + bonuses of faction abilities. You’ll be able to build Magic Guild level 5 only at the 17th level, your average skill level will be 11-12 (we will make calculations depending on skill level 12, it means +13 parameters), your average parameters (using shop artifacts for wizards) will be: +10 attack and +20 defence. The average parameters of the summoned Phoenix at level 17 = 65-70 attack and 75-80 defence.

By the way, health and damage differ from the original. The current formula is unknown, but, according to the test battle, damage caused by Phoenix is approximately: min damage = 15*SP, max damage = 20*SP (SP = spell power). The formula isn’t precise, but the fact is that in comparison with the original formula the damage is twice greater.

The health indicator is twice lower than in the original formula. During the test battle the Phoenix was summoned with 1340 ÍÐ (the Lord had 74 SP), whereas according to the original formula it had to be 2520 ÍP (300 + 30*SP). The current formula looks like 300 + 15*SP.

The Phoenix is summoned with several abilities: Elemental (insusceptible to hypnosis, berserker, Moral decrease, illnesses, searing, confusion, blinding, resurrection (raise dead), healing, Morale always equals 0), Immune to fire, Large creature, Lava shield (fire elemental damage equal to 20% of the damage taken by this creature), Rebirth (after this creature’s stack perishes completely it is fully reborn once per combat).

This spell will greatly enhance the survival of Lords with Nature Magic builds. The point is that almost all types of Lords with Nature Magic builds (necromancers, wizards, knights) have small-sized main creatures. If you put them in the top corner, you can hide them from the enemy by a summoned creature for a long time. The enemy will have to deal with the Phoenix getting some damage due to the Lava shield. Moreover, the response damage of Phoenix is always100% efficient. Elves will be able to block two squares of the battlefield below the Treefolks, the only way to kill this stack using melee damage is using the front squares (3õ1). There is no randomness, the summon spell is always constant, powerful, initiative and fast. This is an obvious advantage for all Lords with Nature Magic builds. By the way, Summon Phoenix can work simultaneously with Summon Elementals.

Divine Retribution

Originally this spell is included in the Magic Guild level 4. Here it is in the highest level. Currently this spell is used by Thrones according to the formula: damage = Õ * (30 + 2*SP), where X = a square root of sum of all creatures killed by the stack multiplied by their level.

It’s magic damage, that’s why magic resistance and fspd (faction skill passive defence) reduce it, this spell costs 14 mana. The creature killing the stacks of the Lord with Holy magic accumulates this "bonus" and the more it kills the more damage it has. For example, according to this formula (average SP = 35) any stack who has killed 100 Elf’s sprites, will get the Holy magic damage of 1000 (magic resistance and fspd reduce it). And if one of the opponents was hitting 100 guardians, you can expect strikes with 1700+ damage from the Lord. You can’t avoid the revenge mark, it will hang on the stack during the whole combat. And now let’s talk about the usage of this spell...

This spell is useful for supporters, but only for 1-2 times. The fact is that using the supporter-attacker build you don’t have too much mana: 60-100. The most part of it is used to cast mass buff spells even in the duels, not mentioning group battles where you have to cast mass buff spells on your ally too. But, actually, no one will cast inefficient Divine Retribution (SP is low: 6-7) spending 14 mana. Another case is that pure (complete) Holy Magic builds will appear: 30+ SP without attack, or hybrids with 20+ attack and 25+ SP. These builds will be strong enough. Almost any faction with Holy magic in talents, also has a defence branch. Apparently, it’s a great opportunity to take the blind defence mode (you will have a great defence parameter in defence mode) and max Holy magic + mass Stoneskin and Evasion. By grouping Lord with Holy Magic build can strengthen his army in one turn, afterwards he casts Divine Retribution spells on the most dangerous stacks.

Why does it work? To kill a Lord with Holy Magic build you’ll have to destroy his army completely. While destroying the army, the enemy’s creatures accumulate bonus, increasing spell damage on them. If they kill too much, they will get huge shots later. If the enemy doesn’t want to kill you, it’s doesn’t matter. You can go forward and kill your stacks... =)

Theoretically, only magic builds can cause some problems, but Lords with Holy Magic builds having great SP have an opportunity to cast nearly 100% anti-magic spell on all their stacks. A wizard won’t have enough mana to deal with such a miracle!)


All the Lords with Holy magic builds should pray for this spell. It will become almost the main one in their arsenal. It will be used by everybody, even by supporters. It has the same formula as the Raise Dead spell from the Nature magic branch, but it has three differences.

The spell cost increases from 9 to 15. Morale fine for allied forces disappears. ÍÐ loss fine after resurrection decreases from 40% (20% for necromancers) to 10%. The first spell has to be without any penalty at all (like in the original).But, according to the test battle, the fine works immediately. Archangels ( Knight faction) have been using the similar spell for several years.

The benefit from this spell is really fantastic. The supporters will be able to resurrect their armies during the combat without being afraid to get -2 Morale. The Lords with Holy Magic builds (with max SP) will be able to resurrect their armies much more efficiently than Lords with Nature magic builds.

Earth Shock (Explosion)

This is a spell that deals huge damage of Earth magic. The formulas in the original differ from those which are used in LordsWM, but the Explosion is twice stronger than Lightning. It is possible to calculate the approximate damage of this spell in LordsWM.

At the 17th level the average indicator of SP = 35, so Earth Shock can deal 1200 damage. If you play Dark Elf with strengthened magic, you will deal 1800 damage. Magic resistance and fspd will reduce damage. You will be able to cause 1000-1500 point damage on condition that Earth Shock will be twice stronger than Lightning. And it’s hard to imagine what you will be able to do with modified artifacts equipped. The cost of this fun is18 mana. We don’t know whether the formula will be the same or not, but, for example: Dark Elves with strengthened Explosion can kill nearly one half of the Guardian’s stack (a classic Knight faction), it’s too much!

You can use it everywhere. It substitutes a usual Lightning with a powerful «BANG!». The most interesting thing will happen in the battle between DE and Wizards with Chaos magic. Nowadays DE don’t have opportunity to kill Gargoyles effectively. In future DE will be provided with powerful Earth spells in order to kill Gargoyles without any problems. This fact can become fatal for Wizards. Nevertheless, it will be known only in future.

Submission (Hypnosis)

The most disgusting thing which is extremely unpleasant to anyone who becomes its victim. Currently this spell is used by Temptresses and Sirens. Hypnosis leaves a stack under control without an opportunity to counterattack and changes its initiative, even if you don’t have Darkness magic skills (this ability is used only by Sirens). We don’t know how this spell will look like.

All the horrors that will occur after the implementation of this spell cannot be described. If the Administration implements it the way that the Lord will be able to take creatures under control unlimited number of times simultaneously, the battle against Lord with Darkness magic build risks to become something like self-beating. And what about a “modest and offended” class of DD (Daemon of Darkness) that already has 50+ Temptresses? If you play against a non-ranged faction you can easily divide Temptresses into 2-3 stacks and take several opponent’s stacks under control, including key/main stacks. It will be impossible to defeat such DD. I’d like to give some advice to overview the realization of Submission in the game after the implementation of this new alternative class, there should be only one stack under the Lord’s control.

Unready spells:

Chaos magic

The second spell of the Chaos magic will be this one: “Even though Armageddon was implemented many years ago, it won’t be used by players” (words of the Administration). There are no more unready spells in the original besides this one. And its implementation actually makes sense. At least, it will increase the popularity of Water magic.

So, what is it? This spell deals point damage of Water magic. According to the original formula, the strength of its damage is between Lightning and Explosion (approximately 25-26*SP). Additional feature of this spell is the fact that during the next turn the affected stack gets (1 + SP) * 3% more physical damage. This formula can be changed because if average SP = 35, + 100-110% of physical damage looks like really deadly power for Chaoser + Warrior. Note: you can easily increase the effect of this spell by choosing Dominition of tempest talent in order to knock the target back on the ATB bar (0.3 turn) and you’ll get a powerful spell with double effect.

Darkness magic

There are three unready spells of Darkness magic. One of them is Grief (a pointed spell that decreases opponent’s morale and luck), in the original it belongs to the Magic Guild level 1. The second one (Vampirism) belongs to the Magic Guild level 5.

The third one is Impious Word which won’t be implemented (just as Holy Word won’t be implemented too), according to the latest interviews. Logically (although logic and LordsWM are incompatible), Vampirism is likely to be implemented.

After using this spell a target stack gets the ability «Undead» (it gets all undead bonuses including neutral morale) and ability of Life Drain (restoring its own ÍÐ while attacking the opponent’s stacks, but no more than max) with modified effect (50% + SP * 2 – this is an original formula, it’s too great for us). You can’t cast this spell on the mechanical creatures and elementals. The effect can be composed with Vampire’s ability.

If the current formula remains without significant changes, there will be some problems. Warriors will choose Advanced Darkness Magic (fortunately, it costs 6-8 talent points), and even having small SP they will cast 50% of the Life Drain effect on the most powerful stacks, it will automatically turn them into hard-to-defeat enemies. Its min basic effect should be cut and its dependence on SP should be increased.

Nature magic

This spell is the most expected and is likely to be implemented: Divine shield provides you with 50% reduction of damage (any kind of damage), it reduces the final damage dealt taking into account all the bonuses and modifications. There is a limit of its «durability», it depends on SP.

In fact it is one of the most powerful spells giving positive effect. It is extremely useful both in duels against any type of opponents and in group battles. Any ally will be happy to see his major stack under this spell. This pleasure will cost you 20 mana, but it is really worth it...


How will the balance of factions be changed after the implementation of the Magic Guild level 5 at 17+ levels? Defenders will disappear because Lords with Chaos Magic builds will get an opportunity to defeat Warriors faster and more effectively than ever before. In order to survive all the Warriors will have to rely on initiative/attack. Pure/hybrid Holy Magic and Darkness Magic builds will appear. Nature magic will become very popular after the implementation of Summon Phoenix spell. There will be more Lords oriented on positive/negative spells. Only Barbarians will remain the same and suffer from all the changes. They can expect, perhaps, one additional Cyclope and a few Orcs. Well, maybe, Combat Guild level 3 will be implemented, but even Barbarians don’t believe in such a miracle…)


1 / 21.05.2014 11:01 / l_e_s_e_n_a [13] ?
2 / 21.05.2014 11:50 / Poison Ivy [15] ?
nice, but some interesting spells are removed    

They can take some from Homm iv  
3 / 21.05.2014 18:05 / ElfPride [16] ?
Wow, this game gonna be more interesting with the implementation of this magic guild 5. Thanks for this nice translation.

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