Interview with Prewelec

30.03.2014 16:56 / comments: 1 / view: 2776 /

Author: Henry IV

I love and respect my mistakes.
Time substitutes the essence of them, and they
are turning into elegant and well-thought decisions (c)
Christian Louboutin

Recently a well-known character from the Russian game community, one of the old members of the HWM community, member of Top-100 players, Prewelec was blocked for intolerance.

We decided to talk to this ambiguous person and find out how he was evolved in our gameworld, highlighting some events from his Past.

You are a well-known person in our Project, at least for those of us who were registered in 2011 or before, but could you please introduce yourself in a couple of words for those who are unfamiliar with you: what made you be involved in the game, what are you interested in, what are you in a real life?

I was seeking for an online game based on a HoMM Universe in order to play PvP battles. I like the game because of its PvP component, especially 2x2 and 3x3 group battles...I like wars and events, and also various tournaments, communication with a lot of people...

I am also interested in Survival Tournaments, and I am a fan of PvP-battles: we started gathering high-level players to play these battles recently...

In a real life I am an engineer, I like rock-n-roll and heavy metall music, I enjoy travelling by car. I try to have a healthy lifestyle, sometimes I even manage to have it)

Engineer and gamer at the same time, an interesting combination) Does the game help you to switch over from daily troubles and feel relaxed at least for a while, or after all these years the game is your separate life, burdened by its obligations?

Different things happened...

Could you be more specific?

Sometimes the game helped me to relax, sometimes it intrigued me, sometimes I was deeply interested in it, sometimes I had so much fun, but I wasn't indifferent, for sure.

Was the period of the so-called “dwarf-race” (a contest happened on ru-server in November, 2010: the first three characters, who achieved 8 fsp of a new dwarf faction were rewarded by free personal images), the one of those periods when the game was the drive for you?

I should say I was totally absorbed by it)

There is still a huge number of players who are convinced that there was a batallion of Chinese people playing instead of you and your clanmate almost 24/7 at that period of time, or did you invent a new way of sleep deprivation?)

There was an aim to win the contest...

Was this aim achieved fairly?

I have a healthy, strong organism, I was a long-distance runner at school, I could make everything in a right way... but, nevertheless, it was very hard, sometimes it turned into delirium and hallucinations, the contest harmed my health a lot in that period of time. Sometimes I dreamed, sometimes I didn't, I don't remember, I had memory lapses, microdreams... I am shuddering while recalling all that stuff. I would never do it once again.

Did a picture cost all these efforts as a reward? What did the victory mean for you?

Usually when I decide to do something I am trying to do this, there was also a good stimulus,and I have made an experiment concerning human reserves)

Well, it was a severe experiment, I must say. And why did you book this exact image as a reward, what was the reason?

There were two ideas for the personal image: Predator or Stitch. I have decided to choose Stitch, because it was a positive character, though he was conceived as an evil, love saved him from hatred)

It was also the designer's advice: I explained him what I was interested in, and he helped me) There were a lot of variants connected with evil monsters...

So, you are romantic, as I see) But your fines and blocks are less romantic. Tell us the reason: did they happen due to your explosive nature, temper, intemperance or strong passion?

That's exactly due to all this stuff. In some critical moments, especially when I was losing the battle or something like that, I started to be nervous and even the slightest trigger from my opponent's side might be enough for my explosion, and I could behave myself improperly.

Perhaps the reason is the fact I am taking everything to my heart, but recently I began keeping this aspect under control. The truth is that I was blocked because of discussion at the political thread (a «topic», where ru-community is discussing the political situation in the Ukraine, Prewelec wrote several rude messages there and was blocked), but I insist on the fact that my position has nothing to do with nationalism. Yes, I was rude, but there was no nationalism from my side, because I was peaceful.

Your fines and bans were caused by rudeness (by the way, an average forum “troll” would die because of envy looking at your ban-list), but what about blocks? Could you explain them in details, please.

Yes, they were caused by rudeness, but two blocks happened due to another reasons. I was blocked for the first time because of my protest (I declared 500.000 gold fine unfair: I held two battles using my additional character during Christmas in order to open a Christmas vault: I was collecting keys and I also helped a lot of other characters this way). I also wrote some messages in my personal info... Some sentences declaring that people shouldn't waste their time playing this game and they should do something more important... and I also declared the fine unfair, perhaps, that stuff made the Sheriff displeased. This way I got my first block. Later a compromised decision was made and one half of the fine was returned to me. I am grateful to Alexey (Sheriff) for this – he was quite fair in that situation. The second block was connected with financial frauds...

What financial frauds do you mean?

I have made an attempt to sell a Triball set for real money. Let's say this way: I have bought Triball set for myself, later one person appeared and offered me a very nice deal, it was very hard to refuse. Now I regret that I was so greedy, as a result, I lost everything: my set, my money... and I also got 3.000.000 gold fine...

With whom did you solve the situation in order to be unblocked?

The situation was solved with the help of Maxim (adm).

How did you find him?

I don't remember the details, one of my friends helped me...

You were at the 23-rd position of the top-100 players statistics on the day you were blocked. Now you are several steps lower – the opponents aren't sleeping. Is it hard to maintain your place in top? Do you pay attention to this?

I was even in a “slow” mode: I was interested in Survival Tournament and PvP tournaments, and, unfortunately, there was a lack of them at the 20-th combat level.

So, did you have a higher position before? What was your record?

I was at the 4-th place.

I wish you to unblock your character and improve your results. By the way, as far as I understand, your last block was connected with the political situation in the Ukraine, wasn't it?

Yes, exactly, and I regret this. I wrote an appeal to the Appeal Commission, but the judges found violation of rule 3.3 (insult).

I wish you success, patience and tolerance. Do you want to say something for our players?

I wish you peace)

Thank you for the conversation.


1 / 30.03.2014 17:27 / Poison Ivy [15] ?
i remember two times i opened his profile(for checking UCI) i seen he was blocked :) now i seen 3rd times     lol
Hope he unblocked soon  

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