LWM.com Players. Statistics

11.02.2014 09:58 / comments: 5 / view: 3036 /

Author: AcademHero

In January 2013 the LWM.com server was merged with its bigger HWM.ru counterpart. So, who are these people who joined the HWM.ru community?

This article is about something we could only guess since we haven’t seen the numbers yet. Statistic data was taken from the Xaser’s resource (whom we sincerely thank for providing it). It displays only the performance of active players (who participated in at least one fight of any kind during last 2 weeks), as usual. The LWM.com players were identified by their ID (ID’s range between 4300000-499999).

1. Number of players

So, according to the data from the end of February 2013, we got a total of 1772 “live” players of 10-18th combat level (hereinafter CL) from the LWM.com server. This is about 5% of total number of the HWM.ru players.

Pay attention that there are only 13 players with 17th CL and 4 players with 18th CL.

2. Average experience/faction skill ratio per CL (coefficient = XP/sum of FS points)

The average ratio at some combat levels clearly shows the effects of "FS feeding” on the HWM.ru server (new Thieves’ Guild, frequent tournaments, FS-based events, etc.) This FS gap exists also because of those HWM.ru players who do PvP and attend tournaments and events rather than spend most of their time “in forests”.

As you can see, the gap in XP/FS ratio is growing with each combat level, starting from 11th CL. Accordingly, the FS gap grows faster than linearly. This is particularly well illustrated by the following table: distribution according to main faction’s FS.

3. Distribution according to the main faction’s FS

As usual, the main character’s faction is the one with the biggest number of FS points.

If you look closely, you can see that the players from the LWM.com server fall behind their HWM.ru counterparts on FS value starting from 11th CL. Thus, players with 16th CL from the LWM.com are even a little bit behind players with 15th CL from the HWM.ru in their FS advancement.

Taking into account that usually 20-25% of the players with the best FS attend tournaments, this FS gap means the LWM.com players will often have 1 FS less than the rest in such competitions.

4. Guild advancement. What are the strong features of the LWM.com players?

The LWM.com server’s specific feature was the rarity of in-game events and tournaments as well as smaller variety of creatures “in the forest”. In addition, Thieves’ Guild invitations were significantly more expensive there than on our market – it could be the case that there are no invitations on market for sale even for 1000-1100k gold. Many players tried to save money for buying one by leveling their Laborers’ Guild. As a result, CL advancement in the LWM.com was slower and the larger gap between CL and Laborers’ Guild is quite noticeable in some cases. Also, despite the fact that leveling Thieves’ Guild in the LWM.com granted large amounts of XP, the players didn’t have other ways of quick growth. Thieves’ Guild advancement in average is higher among the LWM.com players than the HWM.ru ones, but it is unlikely to help them a lot in tournaments, which are attended by mostly above average players.

They also have a better advancement in Mercenaries’ Guild. I suspect it was the case because of their world map’s size. They fall back in Hunters’ Guild though – probably because of lesser number of creatures in the LWM.com universe before the merging.

Thank you for your attention.


1 / 11.02.2014 10:08 / l_e_s_e_n_a [12] ?
This article was written a year ago for the HWM.ru players. We decided to translate it for the LWM.com players  
2 / 11.02.2014 11:35 / Poison Ivy [15] ?
nice information's. keep it up  
Thanks for it.  
3 / 11.02.2014 20:56 / Father PenTus [15] ?
I wonder how former Lordswm players are doing one year after merge, is it possible to gather such infomration?
4 / 16.02.2014 01:23 / shubhamgoyal [10] ?
Thank you l_e_s_s_e_n_a :-)
5 / 18.02.2014 14:00 / JeveragJettison [13] ?
Comparison with curent update will be nice.

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