Results: Tomb of the sun and Smugglers

01.03.2019 19:21 / comments: 0 / view: 453 /

Author: #1209 omne

Translation author: #1209 Meshy

And thus! Another event has been completed, the sun tomb.

In this article we will compare the two events using the following statistics:
• Number of participants
• Distribution of waves completed by combat level
• Distribution of artifact rewarded
• Clan rankings

Let’s begin!

We will only be looking at the number of players who passed at least wave 10.
Tomb of sun - 15,609 players.
Smugglers - 13,913

Distribution of wave beaten:

Tomb of the sun



For everyone’s ease we cut off the top of the graph because a lot of players beat level 50 in the smugglers event, 5,038 players to be exact, this is more than 3x the number of people who beat level 50 in tomb of the sun!

Average level reached by combat level:


Proportion of players at each combat level who beat the final level:


The simple explanation to a CL 5 not completing the event is that they would have received enough experience to level up, similarly for a CL6.

As quite apparent from the graphs, the smugglers even was noticeably easier than the tombs (but I suppose we all knew that anyway!) The jury is still out whether or not that is a good thing though.

Artifacts distribution:

Number distributed 9961 3952 10878 4731
Max durability 4645 663 1613 85
Total 13913 15609

And finally clans:

The clan reward system has been the source of a lot of contention between players. With some saying you should always be loyal to one clan regardless of score and others saying you should be willing to move to maximise your personal growth. Sadly you will not find the answer here, just interesting stats!
Everyone can already see the final result of the event, so I propose to see how clans would have scored in tomb of sun if players did not move around. As previously mentioned this won’t count players who did not pass level 10.

1.#928Железный Легион8,788     2
2.#104Titans8,279     1
3.#1519Украина8,115     1
4.#7777Бессмертные8,112     1
5.#1209Any Key7,696     1
6.#41Долина Магов7,549

No change

7.#1271Братство Героев7,261

No change

8.#18†Орден Миротворцев†7,131     2
9.#2517The Dedicated Fighters7,095     2
10.#57Тридевятое королевство6,903     2

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