Перейти к сводной статистике выступлений игрока
Сводная статистика топ-10 билдов:
№ | Параметры | Навыки | Армия | побед | боёв | % побед | avg Ходов | |||||||||||||||||
1 | [14] | 1229311201 |
| 12 | 20 | 60.00 | 149.0 | |||||||||||||||||
2 | [14] | 1125321501 |
| 5 | 7 | 71.43 | 144.4 | |||||||||||||||||
3 | [13] | 39320122 |
| 4 | 5 | 80.00 | 121.0 | |||||||||||||||||
4 | [13] | 37360122 |
| 3 | 5 | 60.00 | 256.6 | |||||||||||||||||
5 | [14] | 1229311201 |
| 2 | 5 | 40.00 | 221.0 |
Список боёв:
№ | Дата | lvl | exp | um | Свои | Чужие | Ход. | ELO сез. | ELO общ. |
1 | 28-10-24 17:00 | [14 - 16] | 3 | 4.32 | 12
papazol6 [16] 11 risen from the ash [15] 10 Шляпа гномья [14] |
Закрываю [16] 11 Птерадактель [15] 11 ТанкистСоСтажем [14] |
196 | -6 | -3 |
2 | 28-10-24 01:00 | [14 - 18] | 5 | 10.15 | 13
focusda [18] 12 АнДруид [17] |
Шашечка [17] 11 risen from the ash [15] 10 ramstai [14] |
220 | +5 | +4 |
3 | 27-10-24 23:30 | [15 - 16] | 1 | 2.17 | 12
Moon [15] 12 Гном макс [16] |
risen from the ash [15] 12 Пелей [16] |
83 | -2 | -2 |
4 | 27-10-24 02:00 | [15 - 19] | 2 | 2.75 | 12
тёмная мамба [19] 12 S_o_N [16] 11 risen from the ash [15] |
karpov27 [19] 12 Daffy_dack [16] 12 Tiltman [15] |
247 | -9 | -5 |
5 | 27-10-24 01:30 | [15 - 16] | 1 | 1.74 | 11
Astranyk [15] 12 ShillienSentinel [16] |
risen from the ash [15] 12 Я_Лёха_ [16] |
68 | -7 | -3 |
6 | 27-10-24 01:00 | [15 - 16] | 1 | 2.5 | 12
DoomNewb [16] 11 risen from the ash [15] |
Я_Лёха_ [16] 13 Анти умка [15] |
68 | -5 | -2 |
7 | 27-10-24 00:00 | [14 - 16] | 2 | 3.53 | 11
Убийца Разума [15] 13 -Miryen- [15] 12 imperator_kln [15] |
Daffy_dack [16] 11 risen from the ash [15] 11 - GlaDiatoR - [14] |
161 | -10 | -9 |
8 | 26-10-24 23:00 | [15 - 17] | 5 | 8.94 | 12
Бромовский [17] 11 risen from the ash [15] |
Лигмана [17] 11 A36YKA [15] |
100 | +8 | +3 |
9 | 24-10-24 19:30 | [15 - 16] | 2 | 3.48 | 11
risen from the ash [15] 12 графиня эльфов [16] |
-Miryen- [15] 12 Цицилон [16] |
164 | -7 | -4 |
10 | 24-10-24 01:30 | [15 - 16] | 5 | 9.79 | 11
Солнцепёк [15] 12 xDarK LorDx [16] |
risen from the ash [15] 12 Повелитель мишек [16] |
151 | +6 | +8 |
11 | 22-10-24 13:30 | [15 - 17] | 1 | 1.5 | 11
risen from the ash [15] 12 Brat-87 [17] |
Moon [15] 12 DisciplesssS [17] |
90 | -4 | -1 |
12 | 13-10-24 16:00 | [14 - 17] | 2 | 3.52 | 12
Вовчанчик [17] 12 _Тёма_ [16] 11 Сын Лояльного [14] |
heroesgsa [17] 11 Птерадактель [15] 11 risen from the ash [15] |
232 | -7 | -2 |
13 | 13-10-24 00:00 | [13 - 15] | 4 | 5.4 | 11
Кривота [15] 11 свет во плоти [15] 11 RSI [13] |
risen from the ash [15] 12 Александров [15] 9 маккксим [13] |
287 | -6 | -3 |
14 | 08-10-24 22:00 | [14 - 16] | 6 | 8.77 | 12
ShadowKnights [16] 11 risen from the ash [14] |
Sergdm [16] 10 Sirel [14] |
114 | +7 | +6 |
15 | 04-10-24 22:00 | [13 - 22] | 1 | 2.61 | 12
Zhekas [22] 11 Melstroy [13] |
Симпапуля [19] 11 risen from the ash [14] 10 Sirel [14] |
95 | -7 | -1 |
16 | 03-10-24 23:30 | 14 | 3 | 4.03 | 11
risen from the ash [14] 10 -Колесо- [14] |
миитрадд [14] 10 TIP-TOP_MD [14] |
203 | -9 | -4 |
17 | 03-10-24 22:30 | 14 | 6 | 10 | 10
Caiman [14] 10 Sirel [14] |
siders [14] 11 risen from the ash [14] |
116 | +7 | +9 |
18 | 03-10-24 21:30 | [14 - 16] | 6 | 8.86 | 11
risen from the ash [14] 12 Abaddon216 [16] |
Just_a_man [14] 12 Де Росси [16] |
137 | +9 | +12 |
19 | 03-10-24 13:30 | [12 - 14] | 6 | 11.68 | 10
Gevara [12] 11 risen from the ash [14] |
Gidi_ [12] 10 оракл единорогов [14] |
120 | +8 | +4 |
20 | 03-10-24 12:00 | [14 - 16] | 9 | 11.06 | 11
Виджаи [15] 12 SC0RPION [15] 9 Вангау [14] |
The Lich King [16] 11 bamst [14] 11 risen from the ash [14] |
226 | +8 | +10 |
21 | 03-10-24 01:00 | [14 - 20] | 4 | 8.13 | 13
НарвикЯ [20] 12 Vlad lev [17] |
чилард [20] 11 risen from the ash [14] 10 оракл единорогов [14] |
205 | +9 | +11 |
22 | 02-10-24 18:30 | [14 - 16] | 1 | 2.3 | 10
Caiman [14] 12 _-_SCORPION_-_ [16] |
risen from the ash [14] 12 Sanguinius [16] |
68 | -8 | -8 |
23 | 04-07-24 01:00 | [14 - 19] | 5364 | 6.97 | 13
_мудрый Каа_ [19] 11 risen from the ash [14] |
kela007 [17] 13 Маг_Эльфа [16] |
160 | +8 | +14 |
24 | 03-07-24 16:30 | 14 | 6174 | 10.38 | 11
nudeniskin [14] 10 Genius96 [14] |
Ватруш [14] 11 risen from the ash [14] |
120 | +8 | +9 |
25 | 14-06-24 17:00 | [14 - 22] | 1868 | 1.85 | 12
VITALEK_THE_1 [22] 12 c24 [17] 11 risen from the ash [14] |
натан1971 [21] 12 KSH [17] 12 ТопЖерар [15] |
169 | -6 | -5 |
26 | 14-06-24 15:00 | [14 - 18] | 2088 | 3.45 | 13
evgeniyshef [18] 11 Diamondprox [15] 11 risen from the ash [14] |
God_War [18] 12 Грета [17] |
161 | -7 | -3 |
27 | 14-06-24 13:30 | [12 - 14] | 2763 | 3.71 | 10
Зуум [12] 10 -Зарубин- [14] |
Мичман_ [12] 11 risen from the ash [14] |
135 | -7 | -3 |
28 | 13-06-24 23:30 | [12 - 14] | 2326 | 2.77 | 10
Mr_Spow [12] 11 Монолит72 [14] |
Sledopit [12] 11 risen from the ash [14] |
114 | -8 | -4 |
29 | 13-06-24 23:00 | [13 - 15] | 2127 | 2.75 | 11
некит55 [15] 10 yaneegohome [13] |
risen from the ash [14] 10 Acis [14] |
113 | -9 | -8 |
30 | 13-06-24 19:30 | [12 - 14] | 6556 | 11.09 | 9
Яблочный раб [12] 11 risen from the ash [14] |
Вдуч [12] 11 Akana [14] |
235 | +9 | +13 |
31 | 13-06-24 17:00 | [12 - 22] | 2929 | 3.48 | 13
ЛУЧнЧНИк [19] 11 Bucten [15] 11 risen from the ash [14] |
Shatarsky [22] 10 KnightLight [13] 10 Зуум [12] |
158 | -6 | -6 |
32 | 13-06-24 16:30 | [14 - 16] | 5741 | 8.98 | 11
risen from the ash [14] 12 Gaguwo [16] |
_Nekrolite_ [14] 12 _Lemon_ [16] |
153 | +9 | +7 |
33 | 13-06-24 16:00 | [14 - 15] | 7245 | 8.98 | 11
Bel9 [15] 11 risen from the ash [14] |
Bucten [15] 10 Acis [14] |
173 | +11 | +11 |
34 | 13-06-24 12:30 | 14 | 8587 | 9.92 | 11
химик9 [14] 11 SauronVlastilinGVD [14] |
Acis [14] 11 risen from the ash [14] |
152 | +9 | +10 |
35 | 13-06-24 12:00 | [12 - 20] | 5421 | 7.01 | 12
CMOG [20] 9 Kremer [12] |
finalpers [19] 11 risen from the ash [14] |
62 | +8 | +6 |
36 | 12-06-24 19:30 | [13 - 14] | 3528 | 4.19 | 10
Ivhor [13] 10 КОЛОСО [14] |
Little Cold Hands [13] 11 risen from the ash [14] |
165 | -9 | -5 |
37 | 12-06-24 16:30 | 14 | 6707 | 9.75 | 10
Владка_ [14] 11 Kobansky [14] |
Мамина помощница [14] 11 risen from the ash [14] |
149 | +10 | +8 |
38 | 12-06-24 14:00 | [14 - 17] | 5570 | 10.15 | 12
---_Герой_--- [17] 11 мультком2 [16] |
РОМАН-БРИТВА-77 [16] 11 risen from the ash [14] 10 Отрыгатель [14] |
228 | +8 | +10 |
39 | 12-06-24 13:00 | [13 - 14] | 6732 | 3.42 | 10
Rimasenok [13] 11 risen from the ash [14] 11 Grifon33 [14] 10 Очебучка [13] 10 SplinGer [13] 10 Людовик4 [14] |
244 | +6 | ||
40 | 12-06-24 12:30 | 14 | 2437 | 3.48 | 11
qlf [14] 11 risen from the ash [14] |
_Paladin- [14] 11 Acis [14] |
142 | -9 | -8 |
41 | 12-06-24 11:30 | [12 - 14] | 3948 | 4.4 | 10
славкааа [12] 11 химик9 [14] |
Rellen [12] 11 risen from the ash [14] |
207 | -8 | -7 |
42 | 12-06-24 09:00 | [14 - 16] | 3717 | 3.95 | 11
мультком2 [16] 12 эльф-лодырь [15] 11 risen from the ash [14] |
VECTOR23 [16] 11 Uctac [15] 11 Купикипупик [14] |
356 | -7 | -6 |
43 | 10-06-24 18:00 | [14 - 16] | 8505 | 10.59 | 12
Гваихир [16] 11 Вова0901 [15] 11 ТанкистСоСтажем [14] |
a nam vseravno [16] 12 Napoleosha [15] 11 risen from the ash [14] |
248 | +9 | +12 |
44 | 10-06-24 17:30 | [12 - 14] | 7516 | 11.68 | 10
12димон12 [12] 11 Belaz143 [14] |
Дева с Нибиру [12] 11 risen from the ash [14] |
111 | +9 | +11 |
45 | 10-06-24 16:30 | 14 | 3469 | 4.27 | 9
Белый Тигрр [14] 11 _Nekrolite_ [14] |
risen from the ash [14] 10 Тактик ДД [14] |
209 | -7 | -6 |
46 | 10-06-24 14:00 | [9 - 16] | 1164 | 1.75 | 12
Don_Corleone [16] 8 ВЛАДИСЛАВ КОНСТАНТ [9] |
risen from the ash [14] 10 _Как_Ты_Лол [14] |
68 | -10 | -5 |
47 | 10-06-24 12:00 | [13 - 16] | 2143 | 3.1 | 12
Skilly [16] 13 Elen_Miledy [16] |
dj-alegator [15] 11 risen from the ash [14] 10 Lider7 [13] |
135 | -7 | -2 |
48 | 10-06-24 11:30 | [14 - 16] | 6057 | 8.57 | 10
Мамина помощница [14] 13 Атропа [16] |
risen from the ash [14] 12 a nam vseravno [16] |
114 | +9 | +8 |
49 | 10-06-24 02:00 | [14 - 20] | 1933 | 2.4 | 13
ping_ [20] 11 Гном макс [15] 10 Hoodie [14] |
Ser Killer [20] 12 Tiltman [15] 11 risen from the ash [14] |
155 | -9 | -4 |
50 | 10-06-24 00:30 | 14 | 5682 | 10.24 | 11
risen from the ash [14] 11 гомори [14] |
_GOLDBOY_ [14] 10 kiksikus [14] |
94 | +9 | +9 |
51 | 10-06-24 00:00 | [14 - 18] | 9243 | 8.39 | 12
Коралил [18] 11 risen from the ash [14] |
pro_100_p [16] 10 НяшныйПушистик [14] 11 Grazija [14] |
145 | +8 | +11 |
52 | 09-06-24 23:30 | [14 - 15] | 1340 | 1.61 | 11
risen from the ash [14] 11 Тополь М [15] |
Ra1den [14] 10 UnstoppableHeroElf [15] |
66 | -8 | -3 |
53 | 09-06-24 20:00 | [9 - 20] | 6394 | 8.6 | 13
Кириешка [20] 12 Oxytocin [17] 7 Теень [9] |
Ser Killer [20] 11 risen from the ash [14] 12 -Dima220199- [14] |
223 | +9 | +11 |
54 | 09-06-24 16:30 | [14 - 16] | 7870 | 8.77 | 12
Pay2win [14] 13 Герой 7497984 [16] |
risen from the ash [14] 12 Heesh87 [16] |
134 | +7 | +11 |
55 | 09-06-24 16:00 | [14 - 17] | 8181 | 9.12 | 12
Жмака [17] 12 Sergdm [16] 12 nakist [16] |
vovan-warrior [17] 12 Teppp [17] 11 risen from the ash [14] |
106 | +7 | +3 |
56 | 09-06-24 15:30 | [14 - 16] | 2736 | 3.2 | 9
Belaz143 [14] 12 SilentBri [16] |
risen from the ash [14] 12 Мари7777777 [16] |
134 | -10 | -10 |
57 | 09-06-24 12:30 | [14 - 15] | 6110 | 8.98 | 11
risen from the ash [14] 12 Анти умка [15] |
Yarkon [14] 12 nestor76 [15] |
140 | +9 | +10 |
58 | 09-06-24 12:00 | [14 - 18] | 1413 | 1.75 | 12
---САНЯ--- [18] 12 Meskis-Rudnosiukas [17] 11 risen from the ash [14] |
Великолепная Л [18] 12 Heesh87 [16] 11 Velmar [15] |
127 | -6 | -2 |
59 | 08-06-24 01:00 | [14 - 20] | 2675 | 2.78 | 13
Lord Magistrus [20] 13 Familian [19] 11 risen from the ash [14] |
Симпапуля [19] 14 Джон_ [19] 10 S l o w [16] |
197 | -9 | -11 |
60 | 08-06-24 00:30 | [14 - 16] | 5277 | 8.54 | 11
risen from the ash [14] 12 Memento mori [16] |
вальчара [14] 12 Psixxoozz [16] |
127 | +10 | +10 |
61 | 08-06-24 00:00 | [13 - 18] | 1236 | 2.3 | 14
Babaii [18] 12 GideonSoriteli [15] |
Венценосец Мечей [17] 11 risen from the ash [14] 10 - GlaDiatoR - [13] |
197 | -6 | -4 |
62 | 07-06-24 22:30 | [14 - 16] | 8107 | 8.71 | 11
risen from the ash [14] 12 заврр [16] |
Abyss Watching Me [14] 12 S_u_p_e [16] |
183 | +10 | +7 |
63 | 07-06-24 18:30 | [14 - 15] | 2547 | 2.82 | 11
risen from the ash [14] 11 -Андрюша- [15] |
Koleos [14] 11 -Frost [15] |
145 | -9 | -9 |
64 | 07-06-24 18:00 | [14 - 17] | 1262 | 2.53 | 13
luckybug [17] |
philosophic [14] 11 risen from the ash [14] |
107 | -8 | -4 |
65 | 07-06-24 11:00 | [14 - 17] | 2290 | 3.8 | 12
Puo [16] 12 эльф-лодырь [15] 11 risen from the ash [14] |
inwalid [17] 13 boss_2704 [17] |
181 | -9 | -8 |
66 | 07-06-24 10:00 | [13 - 14] | 6732 | 4.73 | 10
Astranyk [14] 11 risen from the ash [14] 11 tikor [14] 11 Rrad [14] 10 Сердюк [13] 10 Hego [13] |
354 | +6 | ||
67 | 03-06-24 02:30 | 14 | 2064 | 2.52 | 10
AirOne [14] 10 Hoodie [14] |
risen from the ash [14] 10 yura_pav [14] |
156 | -8 | -3 |
68 | 03-06-24 02:00 | [14 - 17] | 5061 | 8.13 | 12
Я_Лёха_ [16] 12 Tiltman [15] |
MrFraud [17] 11 risen from the ash [14] |
99 | +9 | +8 |
69 | 02-06-24 22:00 | [14 - 21] | 2986 | 3.12 | 14
БелыйМаг [20] 12 zero 2019 [16] 12 Tiltman [15] |
натан1971 [21] 11 ShillienSentinel [15] 11 risen from the ash [14] |
218 | -8 | -7 |
70 | 02-06-24 21:30 | 14 | 2178 | 2.57 | 11
Йенефер [14] 11 risen from the ash [14] |
Girl from Perm [14] 12 рем1 [14] |
115 | -9 | -8 |
71 | 02-06-24 21:00 | [14 - 15] | 2692 | 2.15 | 11
Гельд [15] 11 DemonCoolnCool [14] 11 Andiia [15] 10 ИХФ [14] 11 risen from the ash [14] 12 фишт1 [15] |
272 | -6 | ||
72 | 02-06-24 20:00 | [14 - 20] | 1281 | 1.85 | 13
Почёт [20] 13 The Zmei [18] |
Профайлер [19] 12 inwalid [17] 11 risen from the ash [14] |
152 | -9 | -4 |
73 | 02-06-24 15:30 | [14 - 15] | 6739 | 8.98 | 10
Ggvila [14] 11 OlegZanzara [15] |
risen from the ash [14] 12 crussader [15] |
340 | +8 | +5 |
74 | 18-05-24 21:00 | [13 - 14] | 1346 | 2.96 | 10
Tallulah [13] 10 Игорь [14] 10 Kraskhild [14] 10 Velmar [14] 10 Astranyk [14] 11 risen from the ash [14] |
321 | -10 | ||
75 | 18-05-24 20:00 | [13 - 18] | 2157 | 2.71 | 12
suhovei [18] 11 risen from the ash [14] 11 BigRusTeddy [14] |
Teppp [17] 12 заврр [16] 10 DEMON-333 [13] |
308 | -9 | -8 |
76 | 20-11-22 23:30 | 14 | 2642 | 4.08 | 11
Ричард Лев [14] 10 Gadai [14] |
LEMONBLAST [14] 11 risen from the ash [14] |
154 | -7 | -6 |
77 | 20-11-22 23:00 | [14 - 17] | 688 | 1.17 | 12
Фуга [17] 12 M-9CO [16] |
_Eross [15] 11 risen from the ash [14] 11 AXE_van_HELSS [14] |
71 | -9 | -8 |
78 | 20-11-22 22:30 | 14 | 7286 | 9.8 | 11
risen from the ash [14] 10 LEMONBLAST [14] |
Шао Кан [14] 11 Хан13 [14] |
88 | +6 | +6 |
79 | 20-11-22 22:00 | [14 - 19] | 6283 | 8.62 | 12
Уровень [18] 11 Skrap [18] 11 risen from the ash [14] |
Max_garnett [19] 12 urdit [16] 10 alesha94 [15] |
69 | +6 | +4 |
80 | 20-11-22 21:00 | 14 | 6255 | 4.87 | 10
Николай [14] 11 risen from the ash [14] 11 Isambard [14] 11 Asking Alexandria [14] 10 -тутти--фрутти- [14] 10 -Q4- [14] |
192 | +6 | ||
81 | 07-06-21 00:00 | [12 - 15] | 2862 | 4 | 12
_-NeK-_ [15] 12 Alchogolik [15] |
Сутех [14] 11 risen from the ash [13] 10 Фантасмагория [12] |
329 | -8 | -3 |
82 | 06-06-21 23:00 | [13 - 15] | 7305 | 9.31 | 12
DeepFloyd [15] 11 Сутех [14] 7 МалышСлоник [13] |
labangiul5 [15] 11 Карибский Насморк [14] 11 risen from the ash [13] |
181 | +8 | +6 |
83 | 06-06-21 21:00 | [13 - 17] | 2598 | 3.41 | 11
Master_LEE [17] 10 Perfect death [15] |
Kiss mi [16] 11 risen from the ash [13] 11 заврр [13] |
254 | -8 | -2 |
84 | 08-05-21 00:00 | [13 - 15] | 5736 | 7.99 | 12
GromDoc [15] 10 risen from the ash [13] |
стоматолог32 [15] 10 VeryGod [13] |
139 | +9 | +8 |
85 | 01-05-21 19:00 | [12 - 17] | 5332 | 10.54 | 11
Толковый [17] 10 Клошар-либерал [14] |
E Ness [16] 10 risen from the ash [13] 10 Серук- [12] |
225 | +9 | +8 |
86 | 07-04-21 13:00 | [10 - 18] | 1968 | 2.77 | 12
Cyxou88 [17] 11 рев21 [14] 10 risen from the ash [13] |
Bon_Jovi [18] 11 ZinaMarina [14] 9 Esklados [10] |
110 | -10 | -8 |
87 | 04-04-21 22:00 | [13 - 16] | 1654 | 3.58 | 12
__OGR__ [16] |
risen from the ash [13] 9 Диармайн [13] |
240 | -7 | -2 |
88 | 04-04-21 16:00 | [12 - 18] | 5379 | 9.21 | 13
Кирилл209 [18] 11 Баба_огонь [15] |
PersonalMen [17] 10 risen from the ash [13] 10 Тварь [12] |
112 | +10 | +9 |
89 | 04-04-21 14:30 | [12 - 13] | 2125 | 3.09 | 10
Excellent fighter [12] 10 risen from the ash [13] |
Перекачаный Негр [12] 11 Noris7 [13] |
158 | -9 | -5 |
90 | 03-04-21 16:00 | [10 - 18] | 1691 | 2.3 | 12
Tactic Man [18] 10 risen from the ash [13] 9 S_u_p_e [10] |
AleksMorozzz [18] 12 имперский_дух [16] |
130 | -9 | -4 |
91 | 03-04-21 15:00 | [13 - 15] | 2427 | 3.04 | 10
Растищка [15] 11 DONALD_TRUMP [13] |
dlc [15] 10 risen from the ash [13] |
274 | -7 | -6 |
92 | 28-03-21 21:00 | [13 - 15] | 2431 | 3.34 | 12
NuV [15] 10 мужичина [14] 10 Адский странник [13] |
Растищка [15] 11 NewToY [14] 10 risen from the ash [13] |
402 | -9 | -9 |
93 | 28-03-21 20:00 | [10 - 20] | 5231 | 8.13 | 12
джонстарк [20] 11 Abaddon216 [13] 9 Negan [10] |
Виталий [18] 10 натан1971 [16] 10 risen from the ash [13] |
177 | +7 | +4 |
94 | 28-03-21 18:30 | [13 - 15] | 5520 | 7.95 | 10
Night Marish [13] 11 labangiul5 [15] |
risen from the ash [13] 11 Парадигмаа [15] |
265 | +10 | +9 |
95 | 28-03-21 14:00 | [9 - 13] | 2246 | 3.75 | 10
risen from the ash [13] 9 Negan [10] 8 Нежный_Демон [10] |
Flashnik [13] 9 Mafiozy [11] 8 Sallem [9] |
131 | -7 | -6 |
96 | 28-03-21 13:00 | [11 - 20] | 4491 | 7.95 | 12
Изверг Джинн [20] 10 risen from the ash [13] 8 Dr Xaos [11] |
Ромчик [18] 11 BoJloCaTuu_Hoc [17] |
308 | +8 | +8 |
97 | 28-03-21 12:00 | [12 - 13] | 3298 | 4.13 | 10
risen from the ash [13] 8 Rubo9999 [12] |
drov [13] 9 Элдар [12] |
187 | -10 | -10 |
98 | 28-03-21 11:00 | [11 - 17] | 3978 | 9.17 | 12
vpeklo [17] 8 Кровохлёб [11] |
White Locks [14] 11 _00Герой00_ [14] 10 risen from the ash [13] |
122 | +5 | +5 |
99 | 27-03-21 15:00 | [13 - 20] | 1560 | 1.74 | 12
O_X_O_T_H_I_K [20] 10 risen from the ash [13] |
джонстарк [20] 9 Night Marish [13] |
176 | -12 | -12 |
100 | 23-03-21 17:30 | [13 - 14] | 4877 | 8.54 | 9
-bad--boy- [13] 10 pribacaniy [14] |
risen from the ash [13] 11 макси макс [14] |
183 | +7 | +5 |