Faction skill level, guild parameters and combat level

What could be better than competing in online games? Even not just in online games but for everything. This article gives you such opportunity. I would like to present you a little analysis on the dependence of combat level and faction skill level as well as guild parameters.
Dependence of combat level and faction skill level
This part of article contains statistics on active characters that had at least one battle last two weeks. So characters which are abandoned or blocked will not be included. This analysis was made in December 2016. I express my special gratitude to Xaser [13]
, who created the website with data we used.
Many years ago we made a similar article (English, Russian) but that information is outdated.
The table below shows distribution of characters on each level and their faction skill level. According to the table we can see that 10th faction skill level is average on 14th combat level, 11th faction skill level is average on 15th combat level and 12th faction skill level is average on 17th and above combat levels.

Obviously, if you want to win a tournament you have to have a maximum available faction skill level.
Guild parameters
The distribution like this one was made for the first time; it shows the sum of guild parameters. Gathering information I’ve found a “PvP king” on 13th combat level. He has problems with guild parameters but it seems he enjoys the game. Here he is, okimokaukei [13] has 3 parameters (2 parameters from Hunters' guild and 1 parameter from Laborers' guild), and 8th faction skill level.
Champion on 15th combat level is TMM99 [15]
, he has 4 parameters (2 parameters from Hunters' guild and 2 parameter from Laborers' guild).
Finally, the table below shows distribution of characters on each level and sum of their guild parameters.
Each column shows the distribution of characters on each level and sum of their parameters.

You can check yourself easily. You can sum parameters from each guild but there is another way:
- Un-equip all artifacts and reset all talents (if erudition is selected)
- Go to your character page and sum all your parameters (attack, defense, spell power and knowledge)
- Minus your combat level (and minus 1 if you have UCI)
- If you are classical (wooden) elf then plus 1.
For example, me: 31+8+0+0+1 (I’m classical elf at the moment) -16 (combat level) = 24
The difference between me and top is 2 parameters.
What’s the point of this? We have new guild added in the game and you have to “farm” them in order to get more parameters. If you want to win a tournament you have to have a maximum faction skill level as well as guild parameters. Unfortunately, if you can't meet these requirements the only chance you have is luck and monitoring.
As we can see, the difference between the top and the worst character, according to the table, for example, on 15th CL, is 23 – 4 = 19 parameters!
Editors’ note:
Members of Keepers express gratitude to the author for this article. These tables are used for determination of faction skill level that is minimum for Commanders' guild and tournaments you need to engage in combat (without Potion of oblivion).